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Forum Comments:
(Current Week)
I am completely speakless. I can't believe that some many people were at these terrible lynchings like it was the biggest social event of the year. Even worse, these were used as postcards like it was an important event no to be missed. It made me sick and ashamed to see what these white people did to these African Americans who did nothing but breath and live. All I can say is I am speechless.

- Amy Barker    1/23/03

i just got through watching and listening to this movie on this site and i have to say it explained alot and i think the thought of all that those people could do to those black people is very hate full and some dayy i hope there will be no hate in this world thank you and bye.
adam charon

- adam charon    1/23/03

I was really upset and sadden when I saw the photos and how people just stood around looking with their wives and their children like they were on an outing, but what really upset me was some of the comments made in the forum. You have to be black to know the injustices that are used against us. You may try to justify these acts saying that some of the people were criminals, but it's so truly sad that many weren't. They were hanged for the color of their skin.

- H. Scott    1/23/03

These pictures are very disturbing but thanks to your website I am wiser about how tough times where for black people back then. I thank Musarium for enlightening me. I very appreciate it . Seddrick A Brown

- Seddrick A Brown    1/23/03

A very powerful piece and a tragic reminder that our history is rife with such moments. These inhumane instances of degradation and shame which silently demand an answer to the question: are we, as a people, any better than those who stood around, cheering at the sport and at some twisted version of what was, in all likelihood, percieved as 'justice'? Or have our methods merely changed?

Very thought provoking and, although disturbing, this is something that should be that the lesson can be learned.

- L. M. Dyer    1/23/03

These photos have made me look at people entirely different. I handle people so seriously now. These photos have taken my joy, and I am completely sad. Thank God he is Almighty and will not let people of any race get away with such monsterous acts.

- rimae    1/23/03

I was horrified by the views and stories of these people I have seen so brutally beaten. Not because of the color of any ones skin but because of a God given morality I was given, because these men and women were humans. These people were children of God, for this I am sad and horrified that we as a people could ever allow something so inhuman to go on.

- Tracy Basile    1/23/03

After viewing the short film, I felt mournful. It makes me angry to see the ignorance of men displayed this way. Knowing that these hateful acts were commited only by fear makes them seem more heinous. Why were these events swept under the rug of American history?

- Julie DiFranco    1/22/03

for the fool who claimed they did research argued that these victims committed these crimes for they met deaths need to do some more research. Many of these victims accused of crimes they didn't commit for the sake of these mobs to kill someone. These murderers used the excuse that they were criminals because they wanted to hide the real reason they are responsible for their murderous rage: fear of blacks gaining some freedoms granted from the 13th and 14th amendments. Also, killing someone because they are accused of a crime goes against our constitution that states a person is innocent until proven guilty. For the other idiot who wandered about where are the photos of white victims by black perpetrators need to think first before he reacts. This website was created to look at historical events that took place in America. If you wanted to angry, then ask why were some whites were hanged in the same undiginified manner as the blacks? Also, why did you decide to log on a website about lynchings knowing the vast majority of the victims were black?And to the retard who said in the fire next time, I'll see you rot in hell,you freak of nature.

- k.s.    1/22/03

I lived during this time but the images don't fade. It bothers me that our young black children don't understand our feelings. All young people should view the photographs and movies in this web site.

- Walter Williams    1/22/03

I was most disturbed by the fact that most of the black people lynched were probably innocent. Some were lynched for simply standing up for themselves. What really gets me is the amount of pictures that have CHILDREN in them. Seeing a lynching would have scarred me for life. Thank you for this thought-provoking and heart-wrenching site.

- Jed Schorr    1/22/03

This week I watched The Murder of Emmett Till it was the PBS site that linked me to yours. After being physically ill and a few sleepless nights I was able to view these photos. As I read the comments in this Forum I can tell by what they wrote what race they are and for anyone to try to attempt to defend these atrocities shows: THEY STILL DON'T GET IT!!!

- Linda Russell Brown    1/22/03

Compelling yet horrid, a situation best described by the shortest versus in Bible as noted in John 11:35......”Jesus wept”

- Ray Vestal    1/22/03

This has been a mind opener that I can't put into words. I'm a new found christian and this makes me ask where was God in this Picture how could God let this happen to these people? It must be a reason for this, but I can't see it. I will never again take my so called freedom for granted. Please if you need any drawings or painting done, I will be more than happy to help the spread of this info to our blind people of the u.s. Blind to the facts of a negro's past. Our own black drug dealer and drive by shooter's need to learn of these events that took place not so long ago. It just might change there way of thanking. Thank you for letting me voice my veiws on this issue. I will pray for understanding and a better U.S.A

- S. warner    1/22/03

Thank you for the truth.I have always looked for the truth and on that page I found it.I now know why I go the other way when I see a white person come my way.The souls of my wronged people lives on in me.I pray that I will be able to forgive them,but here in 2003 as I make my way to
class here at NCSU I still
have withboys yell fuck you nigger while 2pac plays loud on there radio.
Before Mr Sandman takes your hand tonight pray for them those with white skin.Pray that they come from under the foot of the devil.

- Michael Davis    1/22/03

I hadn't realize the extent the conflict between the whites and the blacks is these acts of hatred and violence that makes me fear of even my own life in this society...(especially being a part of a racial minority).

- heather    1/22/03

Shame on you AMERICA!!!

- willy    1/22/03

I just can't imagine what these people could have ever done to deserve such a savage and degrading death. What is as equally disturbing is that children were allowed to see this. Just like another group of individuals who state "Never forget" We must "Never forget" And, no we are not playing the "race card" we are just bringing attention to the hand we were so viciously dealt.

- F. Harris    1/22/03

I have no word that can express how I feel inside.How a people who came here to escape prosecution,saw it fit to persecute another?

- Joseph    1/22/03

Amen. Speak vicious truth about vicious acts. Pictures speak well. Amen.

- Edward    1/22/03

shock, shame, sorrow... shock, shame, sorrow... shame, sorrow... shame... sorrow... sorrow... sorrow... eternal sorrow...

- t pauley    1/22/03

I wish we would all wake up and leave mtv alone.

if this imagry was mad more availble to our daily lives.. most of us lost black people wouldnt be AS lost, but more on a path of finding,,,,

- poeticaljazz    1/22/03

In the summer of 1999 I was living in N.Y. attending graduate school, and one of my teachers told us about an exibit that was very powerful and moving. When I found out what it was about, I decided not to go. I didn't want to see what I knew it was nor have the emotion that was attached to it. However after some perswading from my friends... I saw it. How moving and horrible it was, but in the same time, enlightning and real... so real. Please keep this post sight up and running. When I encounter a student that has lost his history, I show them a liitle of what they have gained from the past.
Thank you so much!

- boris turner    1/22/03

I feel shocked,disgusted and angry.We feel so smug about our tolerance today yet the people enjoying the lynchings could be my or your grandparents.Thank you for showing me these photos, they shoud be shown to everyone who yearns for the "good old days"

- Mike Bloxham    1/22/03

Yes, it is sad that the sight of a lynching was just as popular to put on post cards as the Statue of Liberty or Mt. Rushmore at one point in history. But I, for one, believe that many of the lynchings are justified because of the actions of the person that was being lynched. These were not black people who were just going about their time, minding their own business and were suddenly targeted for racism. Some of these people put themselves in this position. I feel sorry for the black people back then who suffered unjustly - SOLELY on the basis of their being black. But for those who wanted to go out and commit crimes like murder and rape, I say the hell with them. Black people had to suffer enough without those assholes adding to the fire (no pun intended).

- Bill    1/22/03

Your movie presentation was emailed to me by a friend...

I am a young black man living in an extremely racist environment in Bellingham, WA USA...

The methods of the persecutors of African Americans has evolved but are, nevertheless, just as bruttle and shameful. I have yet to discover a way in mind to classify these people [who perpetrate so much evil] as human beings...

The hangings of blacks for the security and pleasure of whites continues...I know, for I am the "new" victim [though I hold myself not out to be so].

- Destiny Coleman    1/21/03

In Guatemala is same in the year 2002. see the news

- Daniel    1/21/03

In Guatemala is same in the year 2002. see the news

- Daniel    1/21/03

These photos are so heartbreaking. They are a reminder of the violent past of America, or is it the past? In 2003, Black man are still targets of violence by white men. AS disturbing as these photos are- We should never forget!!

- Miriam Ortiz Rush    1/21/03

A sad chapter in the history of America--one man taking the life of his kin in such a horrific and brutal fashion. How someone can do something so terrible to any living thing, let alone another human being, is incomprehensible.

- Matthew McGaffigan    1/21/03

Your work is very important to American History. Even though these photographs are so horrible, it is important to those men that we know what happened to them. I have given birth to three African American sons. Their ages range 21, 13 and 11. I want them to know American History just as it really was in this country. I want them to appreciate what they have today in America. I am 48 this year (2003). These pictures are about 50-60 years ago and that was not long ago. Thank you.

- Lonnie Belinda Thomas    1/21/03

Because I train police in Miami, I have given a great deal of thought to the process of accusing the innocent and allowing the guilty to go free. These photographs dipict this over and over. Our society is still involved in the lynching of innocent people. We have not moved one iota toward a more civilized society in the United States of America. Just consider the long-term effect of allowing the guilty to go free while mobs, or, as it most often is today, a police officer, set about to lynch the innocent.
Unfortuantely, I don't expect change in our collective national character. What a shame.

- Wiley J. Huff    1/21/03

These photos and postcards were horrifying yet enlightning. I never knew that lynchings were seen as a wonderful event worhty of a postcard to remember and pass on to friends (like a good vacation).

- Samanthis Burse    1/21/03

I'm in shock over these pictures. I don't understand how anyone could do something like this to another human being, especially on the basis of their skin color. The indifference people had to these horrifying events is astounding. I just can't get over it.

- Katie Schineman    1/21/03

I am a young black woman living in a world of hatred, disgust and horror. I am afraid to bring my child in this world. I wasn't so taken by the pictures, but of the faces of sure delight. What goes around comes around. I believe very much there time did come and in the after life they are living, it's not very good.

- O.McDowell    1/21/03

The thing that struck me the most about these horrific images was the appearance of pride and acceptance of the onlookers. First of all, the various photographs of the three young men were found with different writings on each; these writings were all statements that these young men were punished for different crimes. So the people who were there were happy that they had lynched these men for a crime that was obviously fabricated. Secondly, there is not one picture that shows the genitalia of these people. Therefore, the people who were there were ashamed to show others in photography these parts, yet willing to strip these people and see it in person. Also, they could expose smolding ashen bodies, disgusting lacerations, and dismembered corpses, but could not expose the nakedness of these people. Basically, they pretended to be proud. What hypocrits! We are so lucky to live in the world we live in today in America; For those of us who viewed this, let us not forget what we saw. There is still brutality in the world, and for us who know that it is exists, we are just as guilty as the onlookers in these pictures if we do nothing about it.

- Ashley R. Walsh    1/21/03

This movie just porves that Amercian history has a troubled past that we cannot ignore.

- Lisa B    1/21/03

As a white person it made me ashamed of my race. I felt ill looking and these images and I as well felt to deny that any of this has ever happened. It is a horrible thing to do what they did.

- Lori Dunn    1/21/03

this sucks

- thomas    1/21/03

this is with out dought the most devastating thing i have ever deen. its time like these when would fight a person that called me a nigger/ niggro/or nigga. us blacks didnt deserve this but it happen so i got to kive with it. by the expression of my writing im really mad

- kemar    1/21/03

Incredibly moving, powerful and educational. I was appalled yet compelled. What one human being can do to another in the name of 'justice' is unthinkable. Thank you for teaching this dark and frightening part of our history so that some of us might move forward with better understanding.

- Gwendolen    1/21/03

I am amazed and disgusted by the pictures. I can't believe that these were actual postcards...and there weren't just white men standing around, there were women and children too. I think this exhibit is an awesome way to keep a horrible part of history alive, and to educate everyone.

- Kristina Giordano    1/21/03

It disgusted and saddened me greatly to see these pictures. To deprive somebody of the right to life is the greatest evil. This just goes to show that we don't need a predator. We are our own predator.

- K. Fischer    1/21/03

these pictures, a journal of atrocities, deserve to be displayed. these crimes cannot be forgotten. this journal brings a justice to the vitims.

- henry van loon    1/21/03

I am in pain, If this exibit was shown in our school system, would young black males feel differently about one another and stop killing one another? I think that this exibit would help them to feel better about themselves.

- Barbara thurmond    1/21/03

This movie opened my eyes to how truly horrifying lynchings were. I had no idea that these human beings were treated like pieces of meat at a butcher, and then photographed as a sport or advertisement. Unfortunately, this is a lasting memory of a very sick and disturbing part of out history.

- John Mullin    1/21/03

The photographes were eye opening. I cannot comprehend how a person could stand staring at a person who is dying before their eyes. and how a person could take photos of this horrific practice.

- Erin Scussel    1/21/03

To those who posted comments along the lines of, "why aren't the white people who were lynched depicted?" and "these people recieved justice for their crimes": You are either ignorant or evil. The number of white lynchings was insignificant, and many of these people committed no crimes. Keep your racist bullshit to yourself.

- Hannah Johnson    1/21/03

Will the 'Without Sanctuary' exhibit be shown in 2003? What is its current schedule and locations?

- Brad     1/21/03

I think it was horrible about what happened. It was sad to watch and I hope this whole thing is over. I felt sick to my stomach watching those people being hung. I hope people realize this wasn't the answer to their problems, and that it will never happen again.

- Valerie Wernette    1/21/03

The movie was interesting, but not all that shocking to me. People die all the time, not always for the entertainment of others, but I've seen photos of the Holocaust which are much worse than these of lynchings. The only thing that shocked me was the use of the photos as postcards. I also find it interesting to see other visitors' comments about how shocked and horrified they were to see the movie. At the time that these lynchings took place, people just like the visitors here saw the events as normal entertainment, and now the same events "horrify" us.

- Sarah Gillam    1/21/03

These photos have given me a new perspective on the history of the African American. I feel so ignorant, I have never seen anything like that or even heard much about it. What I have heard wasn't enough to make it real for me...but these pictures struck my reality with a knife. I don't know why but I feel guilt and somewhat responsible because I am white and I don't know if that's right. I'm very confused now and just feel complete sorrow for the people that this had to happen to. Thank God this doesn't happen today anymore than it does to any other group. Honestly, it was educational but i could have done without seeing something so terrible.

- Jamie Henry - English 329    1/21/03

Powerful and moving. Every American should have the opportunity to view the great American disgrace.

- JoBeth Jean    1/21/03

We came with my american history class, and i think this is a very informative site, thank you for informing everyone of theses things that went on.

- Stephanie    1/21/03

this is a good site everyone needs to know about this stuff man!!

- sabrina     1/21/03

wow. that was intense, i had always heard about slaves being hung and beaten, but it never really struck me as to how it all happened.

- Bryan R. Kata    1/21/03

I am ashamed of my ancestors. I find it absurd that humans, believed to be the most intelligent species, could treat other humans in such a horrific way. Perhaps treat shouldn't be used to describe this behavior; to me, treat seems too postive and appears to be "humane". This movie is wonderful because it educates the public, but I do not think that we can change the older generation... We MUST start with the youth of today, as the older generation will die shortly.

Nobody should have to die in such a way that 10-70 years from now, the murderer's next of kin should be ashamed of their family name and identity.

- Chandra Tolman    1/21/03

The powerful words brought these events to my attention more than before. Phrases such as "like a child's paper kite snagged on a utility wire," "even dead, the vicitms were without sanctuary," and "that the fear of the other is fear of myself" were all incredibly powerful. The words alone were enough to strike my emotions, and combined with the pictures, made a very memorable impact on me.

- Mary G.    1/21/03

This was probably one of the most distirbing things that I have ever seen. With in our society today violence is everywhere; in our movies and art and music. But the difference is that these are our history. They are not fake acts made up to entertain or to prove a point. It makes me sick to my stomach to look at. And makes me feel some shame in being a white american.

- Darcie Schafer    1/21/03

These pictures of our past as African Americans, both sickened me and made me feel a since of grief in my heart for all those who had to die as a result of these violent acts. I am outraged still today, as well as accepting because this is a part of our culture and I think you presented these horrible images in the most respectful way possible, thank you!

- Gia Dixon    1/21/03

Unfortunately, there are still those who'd support those who carried out these heinous acts. You can find them all over the internet.

- dc    1/21/03

The photos were very disturing to me. I feel deepen saden in my heart to see how human beings were slaughtered. I was born in 1956. My parents tried to shelter us from the truth. How can people be true americans and do this!! While watching these photos, I felt like I was in their shoes. The pain the endured, I know could not be explained. No one has a right to take another life for whatever reason. The cowards that committed these horrendus acts were not americans. I don't know what makes anyone think that they are above or greater than the other, when there is just one God! And in the end he judges!! We are all human being that need to be accepted and understood. There is enough room for everyone!! Racism is ignorance that must not be tolerated -- we need to end this selfless act.

- Lora J. Walters    1/21/03

To Bob O'Connell : Maybe there would be a site dedicated to the white victims of black crimes, IF WHITES DIDN'T CAUSE THE ROOT OF THE PROBLEMS IN THE FIRST PLACE! Look what segregation in the past has done to the present. Seperate neigbourhoods, which in turn seperated economies, cultures, education, among other things.

To B. Holland : You have obviously not read the captions of all the photographs, since many if not more than half, of the 'victims' hanged were PROVED guilty. One was hanged because people thought he molested a woman, but after hanging the victim, they later found out she screamed because she opened the door to the innocent negro, who didn't even touch her. PROOF is a very important word that you must understand, since anyone can accuse anyone else of a crime, and in those racially sensitive times, sparks could easily fly with the very thought or rumour that a negro had commited a crime.

- Mo    1/21/03

Wow, after watching a very good documentry on PBS (Chicago, on American Experience) I decided to view the shows site, where they linked this site. After seeing this disturbing pictures, and the unjust stories behind them, I have a new found acceptance of the NAACP's past, and its push to remember these horrific memories of the past.

- Mo    1/21/03

i was doing a search on slave narratives and looking for pics so that i could enlighten my daughter on the past and i think your site will be perfect, its informative and graphic, there is no other way,

- chris davidson    1/21/03

America the beautiful?
In GOD we trust?

Jasper Texas, how much has really changed?

It's not really physical today but more political, they use their heads/minds to make us lynch ourselves.

- Trace    1/21/03

We have all been exposed to cruel and grotesque violence via television or movies, but these atrocities are real. So real, in fact, I can't even begin to understand make sense of it all...or even to want to make sense of it...
This presentation delivers the raw truth.

- kate mosher    1/21/03

I felt sad and disturbed. I could only view few of the pictures, I was disturbed and could not see them. It is unfortunate that it is true. Race based lynching or/and other inhuman acts has been committed in several parts of the world, including by slave traders and colonialists in Africa, in Australia on the aboriginal tribe, and in South Africa during the apartheid era.

- solot     1/21/03

I can't believe that people would just hang around and watch this people suffer and be hanged. It is absolutely unthinkable.

- Jim Walker     1/21/03

Thank you for having the moral obligation to put this together. It is a dark chapter in our history that future generations need to be aware of.

- K. Wade Burggraf    1/21/03

Like most of the people who commented on the movie and photographs, I was deeply saddened by the horrible images. Although some of the people lynched may have done a crime that needed punishment, the methods executed were inhumane, cruel and unusual. There were numerous innocent people killed as well. To use their tragic deaths as postcards, as tokens of such a terrible deed, just makes the hatred for the people who happily participated and watched the event increase. Whether they thought they were serving justice or not, they were wrong to brutally harm and kill another human being in such barbaric ways.

- Emily H.    1/20/03

I felt that this movie was disturbing and sickingning. Not sickening in the sense of the corpses, but sickening for the mere fact that people condoned this. I have heard of lynchings in school but if never touched me until i saw this movie.

- Jennifer Moulds    1/20/03

It's hard to put to words the feeling that I have after viewing these photos. While the pictures were disturbing, I believe that it is great that they're available to view. This is a part of history that should never be forgoten. I could write an essay from the photos I saw but I guess I will just end by saying that I can rest assure that the wrong doers recieved their just punishment.

- Whitney Robinson    1/20/03

These pictures are so disturbing to me. They are so sad. The fact that they were made into post cards just disgusts me.

- Amanda Smoker    1/20/03

This short film left my body with a icee cold feeling inside. I feel as if I have frost bite across my entire body. I cannot believe the torture these people endured, and it hurts me even more to see that others actually found humor in another persons' pain. It makes me think about all the evil and the harm that a group of people can actually do. It also makes me thankful that things have changed somewhat, and justice will be served by the courts, or on Judgement Day.

- Angel L. Fox    1/20/03

I think that the pitures were very grotesque, but I know that they were real. By looking at thoses pitures it makes me wonder how a group of people can hate another group of PEOPLE so much. To hang them up, then go home and eat or sleep. Then they had their children there so they could learn to hate as much as themselves. I just watched a cycle of prejudice, and it hurts.

- Shannah Vaughn    1/20/03

i just watched the presentation. i couldn't stop staring at the screen when it ended. i don't know if i'm ashamed to be white, or ashamed to be human. what a pathetic lot we are.

- larry francavilla    1/20/03

These pictures are incredibly painful and sickening to see. It is horrible to think that these things happened and are still happeneing today.

- Meghan Casey    1/20/03

what an aweful and terrible thing to do to another human being. Killing for sport from your own kind. The devil is within these crude people. Although gruesome the pics may be, it just furthers our understanding of how demoralized and hateful this type of society use to be.

- Matt Dedyne    1/20/03

watching this video was an assignment for my African-American literature class...I am disgusted me to see such things and to see men, who could very well be my ancestors, smiling for the camera. This film represents one of the darkest times in American history, when man persecuted his brother because of physical differences.

- Missy Larkins    1/20/03

Its hard for me to believe that these photos are real. I know that they are but, I guess I am trying to avoid reality. How did these people in the crowd feel about all of this? Did they call themselves Christians? Were they God fearing men and women Christians

- William R. Scott    1/20/03

My first reaction was "Oh my Jesus". The two prevailing emotions I'm feeling are disgust and pure anger. You always think about slavery and all it compassed as something of another era. But to see these pictures, to see those men and women so smug and unaffected, it gives me a glimpse of how racism must've started. Even now I want to hit one of my white floormates, even though they had nothing to do with it. I think this collection was very dignified and its fitting that I viewed this on MLK day.

- Sheree Guinn    1/20/03

The most startling and disgusting image is not the mutilated or hung bodies, (although they are very horrific,) it is the images of those that show no remorse or sense of wrong for their actions. How can a human being be so alienated from the flow of humanity, so as not to be effected by the treatment these men and women received? The photographs add a further dimension of terror, because if photography is the instrument humans use to capture their view of the world, what does that say about the men behind the cameras?

- Caleb Sinke    1/20/03

Typing words to describe what I just saw is a most difficult task. THe photographs were so eerie, I got chills. The fact that those events were not fictional or exaggerated is what is most disheartening. To think that one human could do that to an equal human being is sickening. Viewing this brought me back to reality quickly and I hope that others get to experience this because it is an eye opener that I think must be viewed by everyone.

- Sarah Toyzan Eng 329 CMU    1/20/03

I can't even imagine that these pictures used to be used as postcards. They were sent all over the country, and viewed as trophies. I can't believe that anyone would look at these things and see any kind of joy in what they have done. I don't think that I would ever be able to see something like that and actually feel pride for my race. If this is what we stand for than I don't want to be a part of it.

- Heather Davey    1/20/03

This site was disturbing to me. I will never be able to understand why those people thought they were doing something right.

- Nina Smith    1/20/03

The images shown in the movie were shocking and horrifying. I honestly cannot believe that such acts were allowed to be committed

- Margeaux Kosiboski    1/20/03

I find these pictures to be an American cultural nightmare. These visual scars are a reminiscence of an incompetent, uneducated, and basically worthless American society. How can we justify the killing of of our people. Looking at the white people pictured in these photos makes me sick and I wish that these crimes were never commited. America calls itself "Land of the Free", but for the past two hundred years we had wool over our eyes at home. I noticed that several young white boys pictured with their fathers, uncles, and grandfathers. This ignorance runs at least 3-4 generations in these families in history. It saddens me to think that we can be so united sometimes, but also so divided.

- Taylor Hansen    1/20/03

Today is Martin Luther King Day. I am a Canadian. I am white. I am disgusted at what I just saw. Woe unto you America! You have not and will not be spared by the Hand of the Almighty. America, you are still prejudice, but you are hiding behind a mask. I know because I live on your side, but I don't accept your side.

Black unemployment? Teen pregnancies? Black crime? Black welfare recipients? Yep! Pay America! You are reaping what you have sown! Hang your head low in shame and stop the complaining about paying for Black Welfare. You have put them there, now deal with it! You have crippled many generations of intelligent people...Survivors! When I observe the Black man's achievements, I realize that the white trash was jealous.

My only comfort is knowing that these culprits have gone on into Eternity, and have met their evil master and are now weeping and gnashing their teeth!

J. Bourque 01/20/03

- J. Bourque    1/20/03

As I watched this film on MLK Jr. Day, it really upset me. i had no idea that these things were done just for fun. All i know is that you reap what you sow and the ones that sat and watched and smiled definitely will not live a peaceful life.

- Lakishia Smith    1/20/03

I found these pictures terrifying and discusting. I am filled with anger and pain. It is amazing to me that these pictures were taken less then 100 years ago. I really hope that we can continue to learn from these horrible event of our past.

- Tom Pantlind    1/20/03

The movie on this website was very disturbing. I have read about the lynchings before, but have never seen an actual picture of a lynching victim. My first reaction to the photographs in the movie were that of disbelief. To see the white lynchers hawking around the dead bodies as if nothing was wrong was unbelievable. These photographs seemed to be the trophy of the white communities that would partake in these sick rituals. The other reaction I got from this movie was that of anger. To know that people continuosly performed these acts without thinking twice about it was disheartening. The only thing I can do to get over this feeling of anger is to think about the forward progress that this country has made since those times. America can't ever erase this part of it's history, but it can move on and learn from the mistakes.

- Gerrit Brigitha    1/20/03

I've never seen anything like this before, and I dont know if any of the faces portrayed in those photos will ever escape my mind. I would never turn my back on history, even when it makes me cringe. I'm sad writing this, and seeing this, but wisdom keeps us from making the same mistakes. Someone told me that once, but I forget whom. They sure knew what they were talking about, because if I could, I would never let anything like that happen again.

- Diana Munn    1/20/03

This shows the darkest side of humanity. To relish in the death of others and carry out such horrifying acts was nothing short of evil. It scares me to think that humans can be so cruel to one another out of ignorance and malice. It was definetly part of the ugly in our America, which is supposed to stand for the free and the brave. To carry such hatred, this country will never go forward as much as we want to believe it will. Those crimes committed were turning the back on humanity, I am still deeply disturbed.

- Kelly Watkins    1/20/03

To sell postcards depicting the lynching of an innocent man is revolting and immoral...but to buy the postcard and promote the ignorance behind it is unforgivable. May justice be given to those who died without honor or cause.


- Christine Miskowski    1/20/03

I came across this site after viewing some information about Emmett Till on It truly saddens me to see the suffering and brutality that our people endured. As a middle school teacher, I try to instill in my students the sacrifices that have been made by others. God bless you for creating a forum where we can come to learn and to grieve in dignity.

- Kim    1/20/03

I viewed this website as an assignment for my African American Lit. class. I can only say that the people in the crowd are the sickest individuals ever witnessed by me in a photograph. I can't believe some were even smiling...sick. I can only hope we have and are making progress in this world.

- Anna Goff    1/20/03

These pictures were horrible. Although I would like to believe that racism does not exist today, these events took place only less than 100 years ago. It would be impossible for the negative feelings and beliefs to have been wiped out after lynchings stopped occuring. These pictures are real, too real. I wanted to look away - but perhaps that's why these killings happened for so many years, because the people who could have changed it looked away.

- Laura Behm    1/20/03

As a world citizen, I am completely appalled by the actions of others. What would possess someone to forever imprint these images in a photograph? What would inspire someone to go out of their way to witness such an event? It both frightens and appals me.

- Kathleen McGaffigan    1/20/03

I watched the movie that was on the website, and it was horrible to watch each picture go by and see a sea of white faces looking up at another human being dying. I cannot believe that this was a general practice. It is hard to believe that things like that actually happend. Even though it is a horrible thing that happend it is part of America's past and people do need to know about it.

- Stephanie Nichols    1/20/03

It is with great awe and deep sadness to know that just a few years ago, hanging of human beings was sanctioned in these United States. It seems that we have come so short a distance from there to here. There is still much work to be done and these postcards help us put into persepective how far we have to go.

- Toni    1/20/03

How can we as Black Americans go to fight Iraq, because their people have been persecuted, when the same thing is happenings to Black Americans today. We have weapons of Mass Destruction. We have used Black American as guinea pigs, as in the Tuskegee Study.

Blacks in American are still being lynch under the Bush Administration.

- M. G. Moore    1/20/03

Yours is a message that cannot be told frequently enough --- the deep hatred that exists in the hearts of too many, and the great impotence of many others, all seared in conscience.

- Steve Hoover    1/20/03

The parallels between these pictures and many I have seen of triumphant game hunters are alarming. Lynchings were committed from Minnesota to Montana to Florida, of men and women, black and white, child and adult. Let this be as shameful to us as the Holocaust is to contemporary Germans.

- Emily Marvosh    1/20/03

Horrible pictures, that thankfully don't show the true extent of the tourture these poor people had to endure.
There were, and unfortunatley still are some very sick people in this world who feel nothing about comitting such monstrosities to another human being.
Very disturbing.

- Anna    1/20/03

These photos are not unlike those that I have seen so many times before. On the walls of the residence halls and on television during February, I have seen other images just like these. Every time I see them, it makes me a little more sick than the last. To see what has been done by one person to another for little more than the fact that they were black is disgusting. The pain that must have been caused to the families of these men and women is outrageous and altuough I can never truly understand why it was done or how it feels to be a party to this pain, I still regret that it happened and wish it was not a part of my history.

- Marc    1/19/03

Where are these old man killers still walking around free in this nation?

- ecrockett    1/19/03

I know that african americans were lynched but I didn't think that people had the audacity to make and send postcards of hung African Americans. This is an embarrassment in American history. It hurts me to know that things like the lynching of innocent african americans ever happened. But I thank you for bring this into the light so that people will realize that this was a horrible thing that happened.

- Coree Burton    1/19/03

Although I found these pictures extremely disturbing and upsetting, I found it hard to look away while watching. I am ashamed to think that events of this sort even occured in the nation which I am a citizen of. It really put things in perspective for me because as much as I would like to think racism doesn't occur today, these lynchings didn't take place that long ago. There is no possible way for such hateful beliefs and resentment to be nonexistent today.

- Laura Behm    1/19/03

I heard the Billy Holliday song Strange Fruit today. In the listening I realized thay I had no frame of reference. In the world I live in discrimination has more to do with words and withholding of respect. I can not even imagine what it was like to once mean your very life was so meaningless as to be sport for others. What sickens me most is this was not during a time where slavery hoisted its ill before the world but in a time of supposed inlightenment when America had once again declared all men are created equal. Thank you for removing my history class placed blinders. It is time that we as a nation face our past and decry the whitewashed history we teach our children. Perhaps if we make images like these avaiable to our youth they can see how cowardly violence really is. There are real people with families and friends behind each of these images (both above and below the treea) who would carry this pain and the shame forward into the generations to come. I know it it were my familiy the pain would be made greater for the erasing of the way it was trivilized by the surounding culture. Thank you again for helping to knit together the still open wounds of a past many still chose to ignore.

- Laurra     1/19/03

My African-American Lit teacher assigned my class the task of coming to this website and viewing the film. I didn't know what to expect, but nothing could have prepared me for this wrenching film. I was sickened to see these poor, tortured human beings being treated lower than animals. As if it isn't bad enough that these people proudly documented the lynchings by photographs, they felt the need to display these horrifying scenes on post cards, as if their "work" is an achievement to gloat about. I was once ignorant of the horrific wrong-doings against African Americans in the past, but I will no longer dismiss slavery and lynchings as "things of the past." I will forever view the entire "slavery era" as an irremovable black mark against the people who caused such pain and suffering.

- Katreena Carignan    1/19/03

My heart sinks and all I can do is slowly shake head with hurt while gazing a what these photo display. So much fear overwelmes me when I imagine myself growing up in those days. With my mahogony skin and kinky hair. God is real and I thank him everyday for a new land. May they all rest in peace.

- mdb    1/19/03

this is both horrifying and necessary. it is a reminder of america's darkest sin and of human capacity for evil. when i consider how relatively recent these events i am chilled to the bone.

- erin gendron    1/19/03

Being 17, I live in a world where I don't have to worry about being ripped out of my home and being brutally humiliated and murdered. I thank God for that. And I thank "Without Sanctuary" for helping me to become aware of the injustices done to my ancestors. I came to this website looking for research materials, but what I found was so much more. To me, these are not just photos of mutilated corpses. These are stories. Every one of these men and women had a life story that ended so ubruptly. Through this exibit, their stories are beginning to be told. Stories that have remained out of my highschool text book for so long and stories that have become taboo to today's society. I believe that with the sharing of these stories, these battered souls will soon be able to truly be put to rest. Thank you for this gift.

- Eboni Hogan    1/19/03

The worst part of the video for me was where they showed the back of the postcard...."This is the barbeque we had last night...." It's sick to think that someone would send that. The images were horrible to see, but the writing on the back of the postcard made it so much more real for me.

- Alexis Bowser    1/19/03

I want to thank you for the help you have given me. Your Pictures helped me understand the history of America.Thank you.

- Bob Cordero    1/19/03

This short film was a very disturbing piece for me. It is hurting to watch how people can be so cruel in treating others in such a way. This film really opens one's eyes of what it was really like back in those days and it is very disgusting yet important to reveal and know about .

- Rachelle Graham    1/19/03

And despite this past, America still hasn't learned anything from it's history. 'Cause even today they still carry on sentencing people to death.

- Wim Verhaegen, Belgium    1/19/03

History speaks, even when suppressed for long periods of time, and it speaks for itself.

- G. Flores    1/19/03

horrible and attrackting at the same time

- emileverstraeten    1/19/03

The site was great, the photos gruesome; surreal. It's so sad to think of what their last moments must've been like, whether they did/didn't do what the summaries stated. The comments left here by visitors to the site (some) are intruiging... are they not understanding how this happens all over the world, still (Africa, N.Korea perhaps?). Some of the comments are almost as disturbing as the pictures. Instead of perpetuating anger &/ or hate against whites or others, why can't we learn from the past mistakes instead of still pointing fingers at each other? How does that commit to healing? Some seem to want to leave open flesh wounds, & continually complain how much it hurts. Most people these days, at least compared to the early 1900s, do not wish that sort of harm on their worst enemy. I think America has learned, & shame on the people who refuse to see that. Enough people outside the USA bad-mouth us, why as an American add to it? Our country, from start to present, has made great strides to improve the way of life for EVERYONE. I'm a minority & think it's shameful how others are so ungrateful, focusing only on what the US isn't doing. We're relatively-speaking a brand new country, & children are not perfect when born; they need to be taught how to act & learn from their mistakes. America isn't perfect, but can anyone think of one country that is? There's no need to use hate as a vehicle to educate.

- andrea    1/18/03

Can you imagine how people live with this today. This is so horrible,and you would think that America was a safe place to live in.

- Lacey    1/18/03

The presentation was indeed powerful and disturbing to me. It is hard to even imagine that level of hatred as being a reality. It makes me sick, and it makes me angry that those mobs were so foolish as to think they were different from Satan himself. They were so blind by their own hate that they could not see that they were in reality lynching themselves in their own sin and misery. Many of those souls who were mercilessly defeated in this life, are indeed triumphant in God's grace. I believe this is true because it comes from the mouth of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ "The first will be last, and the last will be first" God will have His justice, and He also has the power to turn what was hate, into unconditional love for one another if we trust in Him.

- Rodney Green    1/18/03

I've listened to stories told to me by my father and his oldest brother--about the Atlanta race riots. The mobs became so thirsty for the blood of black folks they met up and began shooting at each other.
Our country isn't the only place in the world where one group opresses the other the island of Sri Lanka. The massacre of thousands of unarmed Tamils in the year of July 1983, but their kinfolks retaliated. The island now is in a state of terror, one massacre after another with no end. Martin King was right.

- Armond Wright III    1/18/03

I have several hundred postcards, pictures and related items pertaining to the topic of lynchings. If anyone is interested in them you may email me. These come from a 40 year collection.

- Jim White    1/18/03


- MILT ON SANDERS    1/18/03

As the frozen hot tears stream down my face, I question why this history was never brought to light in the history books of my youth. The pictures emphazise the clearity of the voice that softly and gently violates my ears to the truth about America. My prayers will include the families of all the unjustly victims protrayed in the selection and the many still hidden in the dark history of our country's sin, and for the shame of the families of the sinners.

- Kathy Rometty    1/18/03

it is still happening all over the world in the name of civilisation.
i'm ashamed

- Fehlan    1/18/03

i think that was horrible i cant believe how mean mankind could be to one another. i am white and i think what they did was very really hurts me when i see this kind of stuff i dont see why we couldnt just get my opinion we all should be treated the same no matter the color or race or size or shape.some of the pic made me wanna cry.

- brittany duckworth    1/18/03

Lynching still happens, but in different styles...

- Parang    1/18/03

Absolutely horrendous. I was compelled to look at and read every shameful frame. Man's inhumanity to man. And we criticize the Muslims for their ideas of justice! I am ashamed for every face in the crowd. I can only hope that there is a good person for every evil mind that perpetrated these gross murders. It is compellingly awful but I thank you. Your motives are pure.

- Vanda Wright    1/17/03

These acts of brutality and hatred should forever be cemented in the hearts
and minds of young and old alike. To be used to remember, reflect, and teach, that although these acts were very well commited in this country, in the not too distant past, but that we as a "civilized nation" can rise above the pathetic hatred, the bitter resentment, the utter brutality, the sheer terror, and be reborn as a nation whos creeds are not some abstract concept, but a shining reality that reflects the real and sincere belief in the God this nation claims it puts it's trust in.

- A. Mesidor    1/17/03

The pictures that are posted up on this website was very interesting and I became sadden by it at the same time. I feel that they were interesting because this allowed me to become even more familiar with the trials and tribulations that my ancestors once went through. I am sadden by this becasue this makes me look back on the past and realize that humans shouldn't have been called that because they did not show any humanity at all, they were very cruel and I am very distraught behind it.

- Jade Branch    1/17/03

The thoughts and emotions that these photographs bring to life are a testimony to the spirit of brotherhood. Surely, we sorrow with them that sorrow and we mourn with them that mourn.

- Gary L. Bush Sr.    1/17/03

I was assigned to view this movie as a part of my African American Literature class at Central Michigan University. Had it not been for this class, I would have never been directed to this website. I think that is a great shame because as utterly disturbing as these photographs were to view and as many times as I wanted to turn my head away I could not. Turning your head is forgetting that these events happened. They were real- they ARE real and the only preventative measure we as society can do to prevent that these events reoccurr is to remember the horrible times that Americans have faced. I hope that everyone who has visited this site passes the word so that others may never forget as well.

- Lisa Wallis    1/17/03

I use this important site in my lectures on evil at King's College, the University of Western Ontario, Canada. They form an indelible record of the wickedness that is possible in the human heart.

- David MacGregor    1/17/03

I believe this type of presentation in necessary to educate all persons about the African/African-American Holocaust. White people as well, should be encouraged to view this site in an effort to sensitize and educate them-if they care.

- Evonne    1/17/03

I am repulsed and physically sickened that such behavior occurred. The unfathomable is that these "good, fine upstanding people" glorified it with not only photos, but postcards. That they didn't just have witnesses, they brought their children. They not only sickeningly celebrated another human being's torturous death, they held a barbeque. I am beyond horrified.

For anyone that believes this crime against humanity is justifiable for any reason, I feel the only appropriate punishment for you is to forever hear the screams of the tortured in your dreams.

May God help us all.

- LA Beckeman    1/17/03
